Congratulations to the last contest winner.
The prize this week is a new product that we just added to the store. These LED mounting adapter boards let you solder to a small circuit board instead of soldering directly to LED and resistor leads.
This contest will run for one week (March 29 – April 3, 2008) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can be done with it. Please do not give the answer in the comments.
Send an email to contest @ with "Name the Thing Contest" as the subject, and the message body consisting of:
- The name of the item in the above picture
- An example of what the item pictured above can be used for
The winner will be chosen at random from all of the correct entries.
Added April 11 2008
The item to guess was a tower clock mechanism
The winner is Josh..
Thanks to all who entered.
Below is a picture of the prize.
You will get 20 LED Mounting Adapter Boards, 20 LEDs of your choice and 20 Resistors.
Did you design those led adapter things, Alan?
Hi Marks,
Sure did, it makes it much easier to work with LEDs! Just curious what you think?
I know 😛 ****-****
I’m curious, just how detailed do we have to be in naming these things? Can we just say, for example, “that looks like an early internal combustion engine”, or does it have to be more accurate and state the Manufacturer and Model # like “that is an engine from a Model A Ford”?
Good Luck!
Hi Ken,
It doesn’t have to be specific. Your first example is what we are looking for. You also need to mention what it can be used for. For example “can be used to power a car”
I think they are a very good idea. Especially for debugging purposes. They would come in real handy (instead of having to breadboard a whole bunch of leds and resistors just to debug…) Well done. 😉
Wow. Haven’t seen one of those in person in a while. Oh, the things you come up with for these contests!
I just wish a certain someone would stop trying to ruin the fun for everyone.
Is there anywhere I can get a higher Res version of that pic? I know what it is (i’m pretty sure anyway), but I think It’d make a nice background.
Thanks for the feedback marks, that was one use that I had not thought about.
Hi Sean,
Sorry the original was only very slightly larger. When the site is shown (next week) you could possibly ask the author if a larger version is available but just not online.
so, it’s over now…
i’ve tried to enhance the text with photoshop, the csi style, and read something like “robn simon” or “bobn simon”, i’ve tried that in google along with robin, bobin, rabin … no luck
so i guess were all waiting to see what this is…
Really I know this is mechanism off clock
I think this one has been over for long enough, so here’s where I found the picture:
(I know, I’m posting the answer in the comments 🙂
actually i sorta figured out that it was a clock mechanism, i’m more interested in the text that’s written on it
“louis simon” ok…
thanks mike!!
Winner announced (sorry for the delay).
Great job in hunting down the image!
It was a tough one to find; it took a few tries to get the correct search keywords (in this case, “clock mechanism”) to find this picture in someone’s vacation pictures. Sort of like the speaker voicecoil picture. At least this week’s (contest 45) is an easy one to find.