April 1, 2008

Animated Tattoo uses Electronics under Skin

Looks like there is a new technology that may be showing up in the tattoo supplies of your local tattoo shop. This self contained system is the latest and greatest way to mark yourself. Unlike a normal tattoo this one can be changed over and over. The battery back is built in and will need to be replaced every 3 years by a simple surgical procedure. The display is reprogrammed

Hexapod draws with a Pen

  Matt Denton from Micromagic Systems has taken his cool Hexapod robot and allowed it to have some fun wih a pen! The results are very interesting. "Using B.F.Hexapod with an additional floating pen attachment, and a utility I wrote to convert DXF files into translation commands for my p.Brain controller, I have got the start of a walking CNC router! Why… I don’t know.. it just seemed like a