It is nice to see the youth of today being inventive. For his science fair Charlie Sobcov designed a plastic film that is in the shape of a falcon. This plastic is tinted with a color that humans can’t see under normal lighting conditions but birds can. The tint was already being produced for the Glow Bowling industry so it was just a new application of the color. I wish Charlie great success with his inventing future!
Thanks for the tip Bill.
Too bad that this was already invented quite some time ago.
It is already a commercially available product.
Looks to me more like plagiarism than a “WOW” product.
Simply Google “window decal ultraviolet” and you will see
that this doesn’t deserve the space on CBC or this website.
Nice story if it were new…
it’s a fake??
@ Ben: “plagiarism”…? How about coincidental reinvention? You must not actually do much innovation-based work if you’ve never come up with a idea only to discover someone already went to market with something similar. Happens all the time, our creativity’s not so unique as we’d hope.
already made…
Seems that you guys are right, it is just a reinvention of the wheel. I guess search skills may be lacking in the young inventor but I am still impressed by how far he took his idea though (even though some one else seems to have do it before him).
yeah John: you are right when i was kid i had the idea what the sleep was for and when i toled my biology teacher she was surprised she did not believe me that i understood that without reading. she surprised that i solved by my self but i was mad that someone goat it before me. today i am 20 years old lats of thinking about brain i think i solved how brain memorizes things in my idea the brain like a computer uses binary cods one and zeros but how does it stores those data’s that is different from computers. i think i solved that two but i am not ready to tell you today
maybe later when i will be ready
but way i started this? ok if i will tell and some scientists will come and tell me that he or she found this first i would be so maaaaad like a pitbull dog
Great idea. This could save many of little bird lives.
Ladies and gentlemen, this invention is for the birds!
Totally agree, even if it’s an “invention”, kids nowadays know how to use google and patents library. In that age I was browsing paperback patent issues in a normal library to “reinvent” things. I’d call this a plagiarism and that’s what the teacher has to explain to the kid. Idea is good, but sorry, try once more…