Congratulation to the last contest winner. No emails this time, we are going to do another Guess what this isn’t contest since the last one was so much fun! Simply reply in the comments what this device isn’t. 🙂 Make it funny, crazy, weird… Just use your imagination. You can enter more than once if you come up with more than one thought. With a short vote the best comment will win the prize. The prize this week will be another one of those cool tiny helicopters. This contest will run from Saturday to Friday (May 10, 2008 – May 16, 2008) . Ending time is based on central standard time.
Have a look at my first comment for an example entry.
Added May 30, 2008
The comment selected was #14. Selecting one was very hard, there were so many good ones!
"It’s the brand new *-Flex Machine, a combination weight loss and exercise innovation. Yes, for just 360 payments of $39.99 you too can exercise along with our patent-pending fat-sloughing system. Just think, as you work to firm your love handles, you’ll be drenched then wrung dry to get the most out of your workout session. But wait, that’s not all, for a mere 19.99 per month, we’ll provide you with our special formula diet meals that will increase your weight loss even more!
*Testimonial* I used the *-Flex Machine and lost 150lbs of excess weight in just 6 weeks, try it and you can too! ** Results not typical; paid posthumous endorsement.
Disclaimer: The FDA has not certified the *-Flex Machine for weight loss. Certain side effects, including increased appetite, broken bones, diarrhea, flu, ebola, and death, may occur as a result of using the *-Flex Machine. All sales final, contract binding under the fair credit act of 2006."
The winner is Mike.
Thanks to all who entered.
Below is a pictures of the prize.
This is the new automated checkout system that will be rolled out at Costco stores next month. You scan you items, then place them into the curved holding area. Once all of your items are in and you have paid all of your purchases are automatically wrapped in shrink wrap. If you have purchased more than $700 this service includes free delivery. Your groceries are conveniently delivered in a form that is similar to a carpet roll for easy maneuvering into your kitchen.
This is the all new and improved car wash. First the car pills up, then it gets shrunk down into the bucket at the front. Next the machine conveys it through a seris of washers and scrubbers. AFterwards it is dried by a couple of hot air dryers. Then it is dropped back into the front bucket where it is grown back to its normal size. The smaller size makes it more eco friendly 😉
This is the latest in audio technology. Forget 5.1 Surround Sound, this baby blasts hi-power, hi-quality sound full on in the face. Many Reviewers have said that the first time they heard what this magnificant piece of hardware can do, it was like being hit by a highspeed truck.
Research has shown that the yellow and black stripes, as seen on this model, cause a dramatic decrease in static and general “fuzz”, leaving the owner with crystal clear sound. Another improvement is the deviation from conventional sound production. Instead of relying on a voice coil and paper/rubber cone, air particles are heated by the bar heaters (contained within the horizontal beams), this heating causes the air flow in the room to change and thus creates the areas of high and low pressure, which we percive as sound.
It’s the new GF grilling/tanning/tattooing machine. With it’s over had laser cutting mechanism, for those thinly slice fajitas strips, maybe you want to burn an image of Elvis on your burger, or get your self a tan, while the laser burns a tattoo of across your forehead.
[ping] Aah! I see you have the machine that goes ‘ping’. This is my favourite. You see, we lease this back from the company we sold it to, and that way, it comes under the monthly current budget and not the capital account.
I don’t know how you managed to get a picture of this, but now it’s here I might just as well say what it is. This machine is a “transformater by oscillation”. Still a prototype, located somewhere in the States but I am not allowed to tell you the exact location.
The most important area is between those red beams. The machine is working when all those other beams (which are copper-cadmium based) turns around with 1,231 times PI rotations per second (You can check this, calculated with the formula of Calupsa (1752)). On the right we have the power supply, and to the left we have some stuff an intern put there. We thought it looked cool so we left it there.
Now what it does.. It can transform a bag of sand into a Kingsize Coca Cola bottle. Pretty useless as it may seem, it will do good on a magicians show.
It’s Diebold’s new polling machine for Florida and Ohio. Not only does the software record an incorrect vote, but the machine also produces a hardcopy ballot, complete with hanging chads, assuring you that you’ve been screwed out of your vote either way. The added bulkiness of this device further acts as a deterrent to those less technically minded as means of intimidation.
This is a new hightech urinal. Take logs of all you visits, maybe you want tips on how to take a piss the right way, this is the machine for you.
Even have built in functions to make sure nobody is looking.
This is the latest in the line of Automated Limb Manglers. This is the model 3001-T.
It is for those days where you want a day off work but don’t have any more vacation days left or aren’t feeling particularly ill. If used (im)properly, the user may be able to obtain a hefty cash compensation for his/her injuries.
The user simply enters the limb to be mangled, presses the start button, and the machine’s hydraulics and advanced optical cameras do the rest. Recent use has been popular to harass colleagues that are squeamish, although such use is officially frowned upon by the manufacturer, ALM-Inc.
The input terminal allows for the user to select from one of many mangling options, including the popular ‘Knot’, ”Stretch’, ‘ Flatten’ and ‘Scorch’. Various intensity levels can be selected, ranging from ‘Scratch’ to “Come Back! It’s only a flesh wound!!” as quoted by the bridge guard in Monty Python.
This is also the only known machine that can perform the ‘Knot’ mangle without breaking any bones in the appendage, and a recent survey reveals that many this option is also used by many male employees when they do not have the time to go to the bathroom before an imminent deadline.
Various attachments are available, including the (pictured) ‘Mangle-O-Tron’ which lets the user program a custom mangling style. Not pictured is the De-Sensitizer, which provides the user with a shot of morphine to numb and relax the appendage for easier machining. However, the latter has been discontinued due to frequent abuse.
It has been reported that some people are using this device as a press to shape sheets of metal, but such use is highly discouraged, as it could result in personal injury.
Ladies and gentlemen, let me be the first to present to you, The Large Hadron Collider!
Aha! I see you have the first Tamgotchi prototype by Aki Maita. Unfortunately, you had to feed and clean up after it by hand. Bandai subsequently told him that a little shrinkage would be required.
The latest and greatest in tracking technology. A portable GPS receiver with a printer attachment so you can print your map as you travel.
This looks to be the new automated, computerized, farm animal feeding machine! Typically only used by the most advanced farms, this machine dumps food from the containment unit to the right, into the trough down below. While the animal is eating, it scans the subject for any health issues, using very sophisticated techniques!
Cost: $1,500,000US
It’s the brand new *-Flex Machine, a combination weight loss and exercise innovation. Yes, for just 360 payments of $39.99 you too can exercise along with our patent-pending fat-sloughing system. Just think, as you work to firm your love handles, you’ll be drenched then wrung dry to get the most out of your workout session. But wait, that’s not all, for a mere 19.99 per month, we’ll provide you with our special formula diet meals that will increase your weight loss even more!
*Testimonial* I used the *-Flex Machine and lost 150lbs of excess weight in just 6 weeks, try it and you can too! ** Results not typical; paid posthumous endorsement.
Disclaimer: The FDA has not certified the *-Flex Machine for weight loss. Certain side effects, including increased appetite, broken bones, diarrhea, flu, ebola, and death, may occur as a result of using the *-Flex Machine. All sales final, contract binding under the fair credit act of 2006.
It is the new version of the mens’ urinals. It is fully computerized, and is environmentally friendly! Wow. this is classy. 😉
I’m Billy Mays here for “Fast Cash Printing”, and have I got a deal for you!
It’s the gift that keeps on giving!
It’s a Build it yourself in 1,400 easy steps, instructions included, paper money printing machine kit! tm
Yours now for the low low price of just 5 easy to make monthly payments of $49.95! +S&H
But thats not all! Order before midnight and we will throw in this free set of Ginsu knives! FOR FREE!
You must be 18 or older to order, please have your credit card handy before ordering.
this is the new nuclear-powered doughnut! this doughnut will heat it self when wanted. press a button and it
will eat it self.
I cant believe you guys found a picture of my new laptop. Yes it seems big and bulky but actually it has 4 turbo jet engines and a six axis accelerometer to help it stabalize on my lap. Its features include a nuclear powered octacore processor, a 3d printer with 3d scanner, speakers? no this doesnt need speakers, You actually hook up electrodes to your body and it sends the sound directly through your body at 10,000 volts giving a crystal clear sound (minor seizures may occur),and finally an oversized beer cooler.
It is the server that is running the Guess what this isn’t contest. Watch how many post are done. To many the server will crash then I will be sent to Costco for post 1’s use.
Developed by the famous Tony Stark, this is not an automated tuxedo maker for Iron Man Suits Inc.
It is a semi-portable carbonite freezing chamber.
it must be the new, fully organic, animatronic liver concocter. Developed by Prussian spies in the 1800 it’s now finally going to be released! It has seemingly automatic fine tuning(if you move your hand fast enough and know what you’re doing) and also has the just in time manufacturing capabilities of a synthetic hamster!(hamster not included). It’s already been modified to make things like: hearts, stomachs, intestines, and even Frankenstein! (who ended up making a monster with the machine too, but that didn’t work well)
Apparently it also slices, dices, and makes a mean ramen! (attachments sold separately plus shipping and handling no extra fees apply until we deliver it to your door no money down nor back, and we’ll throw in this FREE bottle of air (bottle not included))
Now available for 20 payments of 99.99!(see it’s cheaper because it’s in installments, that we’re also charging interest on) but only in the next 20 minutes!(because we actually do know which station you were actually tuning in on when you actually decided to watch our commercial then actually bought it…… actually!)
Its a Commodore 64
This, obviously, and I wonder why it wasn’t pointed out by anybody yet, is an automated human-to-ice-cream conversion device! You enter one human in the bed-looking flat and horizontal part of the device, preferably dead so he won’t scream, and turn on the device. The device will close down on the specimen and begin the long and magical process of turning an human into ice cream.
These kinds of machines were created in the late 40s because the manual way of doing it was seen as being too inhuman.
This is a dark matter generator. You simply place standard everyday matter in the primary chamber, and after mixing liberally and adding a special mix of anti-protons and graviolis the unit emits dark matter into the trough in the bottom.
The controls on the left are used to decide on the concentration of the dark matter. It comes in several varieties, including browned matter, well-done matter, burnt matter, java matter, and mauve.
The unit on the right is the primary matter holding chamber and the combination antigravity field generator. You simply can’t create dark matter in a standard gravity. This unit is also contains the counting unit. The standard unit of measurement of Dark Matter is by the ounce, or the volt. The two units are typically used interchangeably.
It’s what hides your keys when your not looking.
Do you want a perfect smile. Tooth whitening and regular dentist visits are a good start but if you want to knock them dead for years to come you’ll need (dramatic pause) A CHEW-A-MATIC 3000! Yes thats right folks if you want to save your teeth the wear and tear of chewing but are tired of strained pea baby food you need the Chew-a-Matic 3000. Jack LaLanne attributes his physical prowess to his juicer and his beautiful smile to the Chew-a-Matic 3000. This baby can chew a whole cow and have it ready for delicious wear free consumption in 30 seconds. Just think it all goes to the same place why shouldn’t it come in at the same time.
New and for a limited time only we have attached this 10,000 recipe touch screen database. Normally a $300 dollar add on. So act now and for a scant 1200 payments of $19.95 you can have your very own Chew-a-Matic 3000… But wait thats not all call this instant and we will include a gross of slurpee straws.
It’s a cow washer.
This is the latest hi-tech computer from Japan. Tired of making things so small and then loosing them, they have decided to go big, and boy did they go big. Because they didn’t have to make it small it has a processing power of 5,000 gigahertz’s, and it has a memory of 5 billion terabytes. It can find those extremely long prime numbers that the CIA want in 5 seconds flat, and has even managed to make the Windows operating system it runs on, Windows Super, not crash. It has so far stopped 15 separate world and nuclear wars with it’s infinite logic and reasoning skills. This is the future. Buy a warehouse if you want one of these.
I’m surprised that you were able to get a picture of this super secret prototype semi-mobile vending machine. The model in the picture has the wheels removed when the picture was taken. I say super secret, because the grocery and home improvement stores don’t want you to know that you can buy almost everything you might need from this machine.
The touch screen on the end closest to you as you view the picture is where you enter your requirements and design specs. then you go to the other end, swipe a credit card or deposite cash or check, and this thing will produce it. wrap it in plastic, vacume seal it and dispense it to you. But, be careful, because if you try to pass bogus cash, hot checks, or stolen credit cards, the cameras will tell the machine where you are, and you will be the one who is heat shrink wraped in about 8 layers of a kevlar tough plastic and held until the cops come take you to jail.
It’s this thing that makes the goo that they froze Han Solo in.
It’s part of the Industrial Barbie playset.
It makes custom sheets of saran wrap for leftovers in world-record size attempts at pizza, cookies, etc.
It’s a device for shrink-wrapping corpses before they are interred. It’s a more economical alternative to the traditional method of a coffin and chemical preservatives, with the added benefit of being able to pose bodies.
Its not a green kitten with a piece of buttered toast on its back with the butter facing up causing it to hover when you drop it off of a building.
Its a green kitten with a piece of buttered toast on its back with the butter facing up causing it to hover when you drop it off of a building.
This is the secret remote control to control Darth Vader’s suit
“Folks I am happy to announce a revolutionary new game console”
“The Xbox 720”
It is an early prototype marital aid, developed by Professor Isembard Schtumpf of the University of Gottingen. Development was abandoned after it killed four people.
Automatic egg flipper, courtesy of Japan
With all the caution tape up, it’s obviously a crime scene. Somebody’s been run through the supersonic clothes dryer.
Exclusive leaked photo of the Playstation 4 prototype.
This is one of those new cellphone stress test machines. You place the cell phone in the claw above the screen, and it drops it into the rollers that emulate various pressures and try to destroy your phone.
it’s a big canera
it’s a car with GPS.
I can’t believe that you would actually publish this picture. This is the original working model of Iamw Eird’s
attempt to make a ” Home breast self examination centre.” After a few unsuccessful attempts with inflatable vinyl
prototypes, he lost interest. Now it’s been converted to a pencil sharpener.
This is definitely not the house that killed the wicked witch of the west(complete with a sophisticated anti-gravity device for getting enough height to land on those nasty broom-riding relatives).
I’ve been waiting for this one to come out! You install it into your kitchen and it rolls your burritos so you don’t have to! A godsend for people like me who previously had to use the fold in half taco method.
I’d like to tell you Calvin got himself a degree in advanced physics and built himself the latest version of the transmogrifier, a hefty upgrade from a cardboard box with a dial on it. But of course since this is all supposed to be under wraps, I can only assure you that it is truly, definitely NOT a transmogrifier.
Are you stupid?! Everyone knows that is solar lamp for 100kg blond babes!!!!
A automatic 6-foot subway sandwich maker.
…from deep in the bowels of the closed Itasca Factory, I present to you, the Lickamator 5000.
This is the very machine that Willy Wonka himself used to create the wallpaper that can
be licked. Yes, the bananas taste like bananas, the cherries taste like cherries, and
the schnozberries taste like…you guessed it, schnozberries.
As you can see, the machine no longer is supplied with rolls of wallpaper, the original
manufacturer, having gone bellyup in the great Oompa Uprising of ’92. But this machine
is in pristine condition and retrofitted with modern electronics for the 21st
century (conducted after Charlie took over the factory).
[machine photo donated by Slugworth Industries, Inc]
This brilliant new unit will let you get a great tan from the built in tanning bed designed by NASA engineers while letting you rip your lats, delts and pecks on the orange back press bars all while watching the latest television shows on a state of the art plamsa personal tv*
Just plug it into your common household 840V outlet and let it do the magic while consuming a measly 18000W of power.
*may not be exactly as shown, limited to availability.
This device is (not) the dream of contesters world-wide!
It allows you to win any prize (say, an RC helicopter). Its operating principle is surprisingly simple, unlike the physics involved. What you do is, have the subject curl up in the curved “containment” area. After you calibrate and operate the device, the subject is instantly swapped with an instance of themselves in a parallel universe where they have already won the previously specified prize. Now, finding a universe where the subject is holding the said prize in hand is another matter; that’s what all the fancy controls are about. (For details, see pg. 19754 of the operating manual)
It’s said that even virtually impossible goals are attainable with this device, e.g. by finding a universe where rules are reversed; such as one with a contest where only non-participants can win, or where you have to answer incorrectly…
Alan, you were so close to getting the answer (#1). I feel it’s my duty to correct you.
This is, in fact, an automated carpet roller! What you do is, take two hands of the carpet, insert them into the device, enter some operating parameters such as the length, breadth and thickness of the carpet, the “softness constant” and set the squishiness you want. After that, all you have to do is press a button and it automatically rolls your carpet for you! Easy deal.
It’s a screen-on-tan printing applicator. People lay down in the bed, an assistant enters in pertinent information (sometimes adding in Xtras like tatoos), hits the “GO” button and the bars take over basting the body in an even coat of tanning agents. The refillable ink cartridge can handle all suitable paint colors for the most versatile of applications including military camouflage; pink easter bunny; the typical Floridian, LA, or Brazilian tan; silver or metallic sheen for Star Trek or Star Wars droid enthusiasts; smurf; etc. LIMITED TIME OFFER – have your newborn dyed with special glo-in-the-dark dye to make it easier on your eyes during those late nights! (Note: baby must be clean and cooperative for best results).
This is the prototype home-kit fruit roll-ups maker. Still in testing phases, this will allow any kid on the block to own/operate their own fruit roll-ups manufacturing and distribution. Any kid who sends in 500,000 UPC’s off of fruit roll-ups boxes can have theirs for FREE (Plus 1600$ S+H). The advantages to the home-kit are as follows: Printing of logos/images on fruit roll-ups. (Print your new crush a box of fruit roll-ups with their picture on them, they will be yours in no time!) Nearly endless supply of fruity goodness. Refilling this device is alot like refilling an inkjet printer, We’ll even send you the “ink” when you run out, for a small fortun…er, ah, fee, of course!
A tanning bed.
This is new russian national project – nano robat that can construct itself. President sad that national projects are priorities for development. But because only bears and alcoholics still live in russia they make nano robat not that nano. (just kiddin, russia is my homeland)
Is it a fliny tying helicopter?
Of course the machine in the picture above is a superconducting magnet, capable of bending the light with it’s huge magnetic fields. The principal purpose of this machine is to bend light beans in an angle of 180º, causing a front colision betwen the photons of the original light bean, generating matter from the energy gained due this colision. The element created depends of the initial frequency of the original light bean.
The bean must enter in the left side of the machine. The black and yellow tape can be moved freely and transport the supercurrent, creating the huge magnetic field needed to bend the light.
It’s very important to keep metal suff away from this device, sice it can cause a simple paper clip to become a deadly projectile, due the huge magnetic fields involved.
This is a prototype for the next generation xbox. it’s portable and comes with a built in screen.
This is the “New and Improved” Politician Maker 3000. When you get tired of your current political representative, you can just come to this machine and purchase another. Politicians are made of clear transparent material fed from the back so you can see what they’re really full of. This is only a prototype machine, and can only produce politicians of current quality, the next generation machine will actually be able to produce ones that actually work and do what you want them to do. Due to size constraints the B.S. inserter and the Talk Box constructor are housed in different buildings.
Presenting the latest Top Secret Nuclear Facility! It keeps your Top Secret Nuclear Facility Top Secret by secretly making it hidden. Not only does it keep it hidden but also stops any trespassers by stopping them dead in their tracks to stop them from discovering your Top Secret Nuclear Facility!
No Fuss. Installation is as easy as buying it. Just fill out the form and mail it to Mr Billy B. at:
Pot Erects Building
Long Beach Road
England – 421212
or get Billy at :
It’s a modern version of this:
Legal only in New York apparently (thankfully).
This was Poland’s response to IBM’s Deep Blue in 1996. Unfortunately, the device was largely rejected once word got out that the extent of its functions were limited to multi-colored blinking lights and a bios, beep-code version of the Polish National Anthem, ma’zurÉ›k dÉ”mbrÉ”f’skʲɛgÉ”, played in loop.
This is a leaked photograph of President George Bush’s commissioned but as-of-yet unfinished mind-control machine. The caution tape design was implemented soon after Mr. Bush and vice President Cheney mistook its long trough for a urinal after an evening of whiskey shots and prank calls to the Vatican.
This is the control module for Senator Hillary Clinton’s left hemisphere. The left half of her brain was replaced by a small but powerful computer after injuries sustained from sniper fire in Bosnia, 1996. Linear reasoning and language functions, taking place in the temporal-parietal junction of the left hemisphere, are meant to be controlled by the implanted software. Sadly, the unit stopped functioning during the recent presidential primaries.
This machine, now in the possession of a “murder memorabilia” collector, was devised and built by a manic depressive, bi-polar schizophrenic with the sole purpose of ending the life of media celebrity Joan Rivers – for reasons yet unknown. Its function was to cause instant cellular deceleration and deconstruction of all organic matter when activated with a human inside its armature. After Ms Rivers was chloroformed and removed from her Beverly Hills mansion around midnight last week, the perpetrator placed her within the confines of the machine. The machine performed flawlessly; however the perpetrator was found passed out on his basement floor, apparently after having discovered Ms. Rivers –alive and cursing – with all but her left ear and two big toes remaining.
I’m sure it is not an automated , self cleaning ,auto wiping toilet , and i’m sure the screen isn’t an Media player
This was the first and last fully automated, pet-hair macramé machine. Users would place their squirming pet (be it the unlucky dog or cat) within the steel structure – then by selecting the desired macramé pattern from the digital display on the left, they could turn their pet into a walking show-piece. For a brief period in the mid 1980’s there were countless dachshunds, collies and other long-haired breeds with dreadlocked, owl patterned backsides and knot-braided legs. The ASPCA quickly stepped in and cited numerous cruelties due to the machine, including the loss of the Rastafarian movement’s identity. The machine was dissembled and shipped to a Chinese buyer, where it is now installed in the kitchen of a downtown Beijing restaurant – turning stray dogs into “designer” food for the high-society Chinese. Latest information suggests that the continuous-squareknot Pomeranian soufflé-aux-de-la-fruit is a major success; along with the popular slipknot-hitch cocker spaniel mandarin appetizer.
After expenditures nearing 50 million dollars, representing nearly half of Poland’s GDP, the country successfully completed the design and construction of the world’s first computer controlled Abacus. This is a photo taken just before the large; aluminum beads were strung along the rods of the machine. According to Poland’s Prime Minister, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, “after years of research and development the Polish people now have the ability to conduct calculations that result in numbers with up to four decimal places!” The final day of construction marks the new Polish national holiday, “ÅšwiÄ™to PaÅ„stwowe Weilkist Toiewent” which translates as “We Have Enslaved the Number!”
This is not your grandmother’s loom boys and girls, this is the counterbalanced Loomtronic 7000. Put your achy little arthritic fingers to rest grandma, this bad-boy can churn out your formulaic old rug designs in under two minutes flat. Yes ladies and gentlemen, your wait is over – step out of the way “Fruit of the Loom,” there’s a new kid on the block, which can make your too-tight-for-comfort-itchy-as-heck-why-are-my-cheeks-chaffing whitey titees faster than a sweatshop worker on crack-cocaine. This is it folks, this is the answer to the world’s sheep overpopulation problem. An entire village of Ukrainian retirees were put to the Loomtronic 7000 challenge; and after nearly nineteen straight hours, and four cardiac arrests, the Loomtronic 7000 still outproduced and outpaced the competition. If the Sheik of Tajikistan bought one for making his custom silk underpants, why shouldn’t you own one?
It’s Yellow Safety Tape—stuck to a prop that WASN’T used in the Christian Bale film the Machinist.
When Indiana Jones cracked open the crate that was supposed to hold The Ark of The Covenant he found this instead. It’s actually a high gain antenna array used to summon the forces of evil that was captured by the Knights Templar just before they defeated Saladin at the Battle of Montgisard in 1177. It ended up in the hands of some Masonic splinter group until their disappearance or destruction in the later half of the 18th century. It wasn’t until Dan Brown was completing research for a new novel did the details of this item surface in 2002.
It’s not a blah, blah, blah, blah, BLAH! Emphasis on the BLAH!
I don’t know what it is, but I’m sure it ain’t cheap.
Its the latest in plastic surgery automation, this model is currently in beta stages with only bout 50% success rate, place person in the hopper and they come out with all there right body pars and faculties but not unnecessarily in the right order or correct preportion.
Little fix…. #56
take two _corners_ of the carpet and put them in, doh!
An industrial towel dispenser.
Winner announced.
Lots of fun reading! Thanks. 🙂