Looking for a personal submarine? Have a look at the Triton 1000. Honestly what drew me to it wasn’t the actual sub but rather the design, I think this would make a great scaled down model.
"The Triton 1000 is U.S. Submarines’ latest design and represents an advanced, light weight minimum volume 2-person configuration engineered specifically for deployment from megayachts. With an overall height of 1.8 meters and an overall length of only 3.0 meters the Triton will fit on many mid-level boat decks, and at 3.3 tons it can often be launched with the existing davit systems. The first Triton 1000 was delivered to the 164′ yacht Mine Games in December of 2007."
Via: Born Rich
wao!it looks great!
Why are they in their underwear?
I hope it is just white shorts. 🙂