Top Fuel Blender – Blend with a high power Gas Engine


Brett Raub created the coolest most powerful blender I have ever seen! He calls it the Top Fuel Blender since he uses it at the race track where he needs a blender that does not plug in. The motor is from an old weed wacker, the exhaust is an old toilet and there is a bunch of electronics that control the system and display. Since the blade system operates in reverse of a normal blender a custom blender blade had to be made. Looks like margaritas are now possible anywhere!

This video came from the EDN Tech Clip page where there are lots of cool videos, some are fun and others are very informative. EDN produces a fantastic free magazine that allows you to keep on top of what is happening in the electronic industry.


  1. wow power engine blender ;]

  2. At first, I was confused by what made a device that is ‘old news’ significant enough to post.

    Then I saw you pumping up EDN, which is a good mag. It seemed out of place though. Finally, I realized this whole post was nothing but a big ad to get people to click on the subscription link so you get your referral bonus.

    Weak HG, weak.

  3. Hi Mike,

    Thanks for the feedback. I had not seen this blender posted anywhere before so I didn’t think it was old news. I had found it when looking for something else on the EDN site. I linked to my site for magazine signup so I am not hiding the fact that I am the referrer.

  4. I believe I’m more grumpy than usual. One of the reasons I enjoy this site is because of the new content, not just some regurgitated RSS feeds. I figured everyone had heard about this type of blender. A search for “gas powered blender” should turn up a few.

    I shouldn’t be busting your chops for one old idea I’ve seen before. Keep on digging up those obscure and novel ideas and contraptions.

    With all of that said, I feel a few word disclaimer around the link/ad would provide the user with a more confident feeling about the site. Heck, they may even sign up for a subscription to give your revenue a bump. In this case, it would be a bonus for both parties.

    Sorry for my grumpiness, keep up the good work.

  5. Hi Len,

    That is a crazy blender!!! I want to see a video of that thing in action. 🙂

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