Air Bag blows up Fridge


I think next time I go to the junk yard I will have to see how much an old air bag is worth. These things really pack a punch. If you watch the video from Daves Farm keep watching past the first air bag test, the second one is amazing.

Thanks Stagueve


  1. I laughed when the guy burned his hand on the first airbag 😡

    As for the second… “They put THAT into a CAR???” Classic!

  2. Cool, but one must remember that the positioning of the airbag makes a huge difference. The closer the airbag is to the hinged side, the more resistance the fridge door offers, causing greater pressures to build in the fridge.

  3. Hahaha. I saw it coming when he touched the case of the airbag *rofl*

  4. i do not know but i think people are getting crazier each day

    :)] but what i would recommend to ford owners is to get out of the their cars before the accident :-/

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