November 20, 2008

100 Blogs that grow you Brain has put together a list of 100 blogs that will make you smarter. The blog list is broken into 10 categories with 10 blogs in each one. I am honoured to see that Hacked Gadgets has made it in the DIY category. Is this list link bait? I don’t think so since I would agree with all of the entries I have looked at.   "Do It Yourself

Webcam Vision Projects

  Ashish Derhgawen has done lots of interesting work with vision. You can see all of his projects on his Ashish’s Programming Journal. Best of all the vision is captured with a simple webcam which makes these projects possible for any hobbyist. Here are a few links to my favorite projects of his. Laser Pointer used as a Mouse (first video). Pan Tilt Webcam using a Mouse (second video). This