January 3, 2009

Robot Snow Removal Ideas

  Many of us are currently battling the elements. Clearing snow is a necessary task but it doesn’t have to be tiring. 🙂 There are many contraptions that allow us to use technology to give us a hand. Here are a few interesting ideas that I am sure will catch on… The one pictured above and in the video is autonomous but I think there is still room for some

RFID Dorm Room Door Unlocking System

  We have seen lots of RFID projects over that past year but this RFID Dorm Room Door Unlocking System is sure to catch on. Using suction cups to mount the unit is a nice touch since when this hack is removed there will be no signs that anything funny was done to the lock. I predict that in the next 3 to 4 years we will be seeing this

Happy New Year Comment Contest

Happy new year to you all! It has been a long time since we did a comment contest, I feel that it’s about time another commenter gets rewarded for participating. Nuts and Volts is a fantastic electronic magazine with articles about new technology and great project ideas every month. Have a look at the article line up for January for examples of this. Hacked Gadgets is giving away a one