Suzuk-E – Suzuki Electric Bike Motor Rebuild

The next phase of the Suzuk-E has been completed , it is focused on the Suzuki Electric Bike Motor Rebuild. The result is a three fold increase in power!

“The objective for the purposes of the Suzuk-E project is to lower the no-load RPM of the motor and increase it’s torque. This typically would be accomplished by winding more turns of lighter wire into the same physical space available. In the case of this specific MY1020 motor, I was able to mathematically determine that 16 turns of AWG # 19 wire in a single coil would bump the coil count up AND yield a greater cross-sectional copper area for the current to flow through. This is largely possible by removing the mylar/plasitic slot liners as well as the fiberglass slot covers and fiber board inserts. The armature slots are still lined with adhesive and a thin layer of the fiber board residue. The risk of an electrical short in the coils is largely mitigated by saturating the coils with an epoxy resin to create a solid mass. The issue of heat dissipation will be aided by the active cooling component of the upgrade. When completed, the motor will be called upon to withstand peaks of 100Amps and sustained current draws of 75Amps.”


  1. Nice work! and proud to have you with us in the forum! =)

  2. Wow, you have ph.d. in patience! Rewinding this by hand???!!! My grandfather does motor rewinding, he has a bit better solution. It is still hand driven, but a counter there is and you can adjust the windings size on the simple device. And the windings become neat and tight. I doubt, its really possible doing it by hand on the motor. For simplicitys sake, he has made trafarets of windings for most popular motors, so when he gets a new one, usually its a matter of minutes till the windings are ready to be packed into the motor.

  3. Dr.B & Uldics, Thanks!!!

    As mentioned The Endless Sphere EV Forums are a wealth of info and deserve considerable credit for helping me with this project…

    U, Your grandfather would be a handy guy to hang around with for gleaning some tips & tricks on the rewind front…

  4. Yeah, if you could communicate, cause he lives in Latvia, dont know anything about camputers or internet, or english. But in next few weeks I will most probably visit him, I could take some pictures of his work tools or methods. I hope I’ll get time for it. He has been working with three phase, one phase, AC and DC stators, rotors, half and full industrial soviet electrical motors, pretty sure also some generators. Yeah and he has mentioned also some motors where both main parts are rotating (kinda rotating stator). The sad thing is also, he is doing motor rewinding kinda seldom now, partly cause his age and also cause newer electrical motors usually are non openable, so not possible to rewind them. But i will look at it and try to get some useful info.

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