January 27, 2009

Shoot your Alarm Clock with Gun O'Clock

  The Gun O’Clock product reminds me of the Phaser Blasted Alarm Clock that was featured in Make volume 8. Kipkay also did a weekend project based on it. There are so many cool clocks, I wonder which one works the best? I hope you can do math in your sleep with this math clock, or can run fast if you have a Clocky. There is some strange allure with

Power Monitoring using a Hacked Kill-a-Watt

  Limor has documented the process she used to expand the functionality of one of those off the shelf Kill-a-Watt power monitoring devices. Hacking into the Kill-a-Watt circuitry she added a wireless transmitter that is now able to sent data to a central collection receiver. "This project documents my adventures in learning how to wire up my home for wireless power monitoring. I live in a rented apartment so I