Shoot your Alarm Clock with Gun O’Clock


The Gun O’Clock product reminds me of the Phaser Blasted Alarm Clock that was featured in Make volume 8. Kipkay also did a weekend project based on it. There are so many cool clocks, I wonder which one works the best? I hope you can do math in your sleep with this math clock, or can run fast if you have a Clocky. There is some strange allure with these cool clocks, although I haven’t purchased or built any of them. Well other than the Fire Alarm Bell Clock but that was just crazy and not practical.

I think a random clock would be interesting. It could waken you with music one day, it could open the blinds next, then how about a squirt of water, mabey IR LED to turn on the TV. There are some cool posibilities…



  1. I’ll just stick to using my baseball bat to push the snooze button.

  2. The trick is to have to actually walk across the room to shut it off.

    One of these would be an amusing accessory in a hunting club though.

  3. idk what to say, seems silly

  4. Ha! Of course real bullets would work better. Then I could get some sleep!…ha!

  5. Then it would be a one time use clock (if you missed the target).

  6. I don’t need a cool device to do this, just the 45 I keep under my pillow.

  7. I need something like that! But for real guns or CO2 weapons.. That would be great. Any links or something?

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