ARToolKit Augmented Reality Application


The ARToolKit is a very cool technology. How long will it be before the Wii or Playstation 3 has a game that takes advantage of this? The demonstrations are simply fantastic.

"ARToolKit is a software library for building Augmented Reality (AR) applications. These are applications that involve the overlay of virtual imagery on the real world. For example, in the image to the right a three-dimensional virtual character appears standing on a real card. It can be seen by the user in the head set display they are wearing. When the user moves the card, the virtual character moves with it and appears attached to the real object. "

Via: Society of Robots


  1. nothing new…. its called optical glyph tracking

  2. cuz you dont see the big picture, think of wearing LCD glasses, with a small cam on it, so where ever you look at things will appear, and if you have a gun with a giroscope with an accelometer, and better graphics, it will be an amazing adventure.

  3. Umm doesn’t eye of judgement video game do this? (PS3)

  4. That’s mean. We have the technology to humiliate virtual women. 😛

    Anyone else catch the fireball at 3:46?

  5. Its like Andre said, you gotta wear the lcd glasses for a real effect and seance of the possibility’s.

    I forsee: Bluetooth enabled LCD glasses with mounted pinhole camera and belt clip battery pack. When you walk around your house and look at sharp horizontal edges with a solid floor that cast shadows behind them 3feet to 20feet away, little or large people, creatures, targets, pets will pop out as if they were right around the corner. Virtual pets , friends , targets ,*lovers , etc. Wow ! I give it <5 years until we “see it” .

  6. english man:(( , pls. i have seek this tutorial (to make an moving object, like that for 2 months) , and finely, when i found it, it is: “japan language”. pls, what program have you used to make animation, and what extension? or a link to a tutorial like that in english, pls. my adrees is if you have somethink to tell me. thk in advance

  7. funny how the first vid shows a mac in the backrground, and thn the second vid shows a pc doing the work.

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