Justin Schunick, Mark Hollenbeck, Luke Shaheen, Scott Gillette and Glenn Black from Northeastern University have created one of the coolest sensor system I have seen in a long time. It uses a PIC 18F4550 microcontroller and an array of simple sensors that are made out of copper plates. It can detect hand movements in 3space all around the tops of the sensors to provide an accurate position indication. At the video example shows the sensitivity of the sensor array is very good and would have many applications such as drawing and modeling. Since no sensor contact is needed the sensor array can be covered with something that is transparent to the sensors such as the cloth in the demo. I could see this being featured behind a fabric wall in an art gallery as a cool interactive piece.
Update. Added some high res system pictures. Thanks Justin.
That is amazing guys! By far the coolest sensor systems I have seen yet! I can definately see the infinate varity of applications for such a device. Excellent demo!!! What was the over all cost of this project?
Thank you,
Great demo of this simple yet sensitive sensor system. I’ve always wanted to play air synth!