1. this is awesome, I’ve not seen anything with such intense visual uniqueness in a long time.

  2. That has to be the most complex design of novelty drinking straw I’ve ever seen 😀

    If you did use it as a drinking straw you could probably get half the glass in the straw before you get to actually drink any.

  3. Waaaaaaaaaaaoooooooooooooooooooo know that is so cool and nice
    vampires would enjoy it with blood 😉 =))

  4. i have an idea from these sending binary data with long tube

  5. no we do not even need binary hex will be fine without binary we can use colors for different hex codes

  6. it would be awesome if you put it in a continuous loop with maybe a arduino controller , you could make a bracelet or maybe a shirt out of the same design

  7. The use of fluroecent liquid would kick ass!

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