Stereo Tube Amp Project

There is something about a tube amp that is very cool. Even though you can buy a small transistor based amplifier on a chip for a few dollars the old tube method of creating sound has some magical draw. I don’t own a tube amp but this Stereo Tube Amp Project is now available as a kit so I guess now there is no excuse. 🙂

“Ever wanted to build a highly dangerous, inefficient, yet awesomely retro piece of electronics? Well, I have. That’s pretty much what a tube amp is. Vacuum tubes are old electronic components that act like transistors, controlling a lot of current with a little current. You usually hear about tubes being used in guitar amplifiers, because they distort in a way that suits guitar playing. However, tubes can also be used to amplify a stereo signal from another audio source such as a CD or MP3 player. Tube amps, unfortunately, aren’t the most practical things in the world; they consume a great deal of power, get very hot, and are big. That being said, they look damn cool, and some people seem to think they sound pretty nice too.”


  1. Tubes are neat, but I wouldn’t use it as my main amp. Only for musical instruments.

  2. “Vacuum tubes are old electronic components that act like transistors…..”

    Meh! Only a few years ago (30?) they were saying transistors were just inexpensive, low-power components that act like tubes!

    However, that *is* a snazzy amp and I’m going to have to check it out.
    I’ve been meaning to add some tube audio to my existing tube RF diet.

    The beauty of tubes is that most of the build is inexpensive – it’s the output transformers that cost so darn much.

    Mike Y
    Dallas, Texas

  3. You can find all kinds of high-quality tube amp designs from the Hi-Fi community, including the Millet Max, Starving Student (available as a kit), Bijou, and dozens of other designs. Some (like the starving student) can be built in a few hours and for less than $100. Definitely worth looking into if you’re into audio and tubes.

  4. “I don’t own a tube amp but this Stereo Tube Amp Project is now available as a kit so I guess now there is no excuse. :)”
    No there is a huge excuse Price: $400.00 USD WTF no seriously WTF! this dozen components made from gold ?

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