Parallax Webinar – Learn Propeller Assembly Language Programming

Thanks to Gadget Gangster for alerting us to a Parallax Webinar that will allow you to Learn Propeller Assembly Language Programming.

“Have you been programming the Propeller in the Spin language exclusively?  Now is your chance to explore a new set of possibilities that the Propeller Assembly Language delivers.  Expert Propeller developers often use a combination of Assembly and Spin to create very powerful objects.  Now you can too!

Some of the topics we’ll cover include:

  • Why use Propeller Assembly?
  • Propeller Assembly “building blocks”
  • Conditional execution
  • Timing
  • Addressing
  • Memory usage
  • Communication between cogs (Assembly/Spin)
  • More advanced topics as time permits”


  1. Anyone know if Atmel ever does anything like this for their processors?

  2. I seem to remember seeing an atmel education program promoted on AVR freaks, although I think it cost money.

    I was on one of the earlier Parallax webinars and it was really useful & informal; if you have a question, just ask and they’ll go through it right there.

  3. Hi Muris,

    Thanks for the catch.
    I just made a new company… Oops!

  4. Put it on the calender. I love free webinars, so much info, so cheap.

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