December 4, 2009

Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction - Review

  Thanks to the book publisher for sending us a copy of Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction for review. It brings back memories of high school hijinx. This book by John Austin is packed with over 200 pages of fun weapon build guides. It is actually meant for office warriors but I am sure a home office will work just as well. 🙂 In the first section of a project

Wireless Handheld Keyboard and Touchpad Mouse

  Where was this product about 4 years ago when I was running a home theater PC? I was using a wireless keyboard that got the job done. Only problem is the range was not great since it was meant for desktop computing, the keyboard was full size and has a stand alone wireless mouse. I found it overkill since I was never typing anything more than a few words

Mobile Movie Theater Robot

  Did you ever want to watch a movie in the back yard but didn’t because hauling out the projection screen would be too much trouble? Well with this Mobile Movie Theater Robot that wouldn’t be a problem. Just drive the rig to where you need it and start the movie. The system has a built in drive system, 110V AC power, projector, DVD player, speaker system. The only thing