Circuit Bent Boot


Circuit bending can be lots of fun. This Circuit Bent Boot project takes it one step further by placing the circuit in a fun object. The Circuit Bent Boot sure looks like tons more fun than an Altoids tin!

Via: Hacked Gadgets Comments

“The project consists of the following materials:

  • a rubber rain boot
  • a small toy keyboard
  • one potentiometer with a resistance of 100K ohms (available at Radioshack)
  • three push buttons (available at Radioshack)
  • a knob (for mounting on the end of the potentiometer)
  • 22-gauge insulated copper hookup wire
  • solder
  • duct tape
  • wood
  • a metal plate on which the knob and buttons are mounted
  • high-strength glue
  • a 1/4 inch in-line audio output jack with two solder terminals
  • a 1/4 inch male to 1/8 inch female audio adapter
  • double-A batteries”



  1. The first circuit bender/case modder he certaintly is.

  2. It doesn’t seem to be convenient though.
    No offense but i heard better circuit bends before.
    cuddo’s on the idea

  3. Why a boot? Because its something that normally wouldn’t be part of an electronics project. Because the misuse of the boot mirrors the misuse of the circuit. And because it gives it a nice unique look. The point of the project isn’t really about the circuit bending as much as it is about the appearance of the object–the incongruity of a boot that has buttons and knobs protruding.

  4. Well, in that case, excellent work! 🙂

  5. And why not?

    Making something just for the sake of getting one’s hands on the materials and maybe raising some commentary is a lot of fun. It’s why I’m trying French cooking; besides, there might be an overlap somewhere between gadget hacking and making food, which everyone needs. There is magic in overlapping circles of knowledge.

    Nice work on your weird project. I wish some of you dorks lived nearby, at least we’d eat well.

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