January 5, 2010

Emergency Excuse Generator - PIC 16F690 Microcontroller Based

If you have a hard time coming up with a good excuse in a split second then you need this PIC 16F690 based Emergency Excuse Generator. Next time the boss calls all you will need to do is give the big red button a press and bingo you will have an instant excuse to recite to your boss. 🙂 Full build details, code and schematics are provided. I haven’t heard

Better Plasma TV Repair with little skill and almost no Tools required

So a few days ago we featured a video that Dave Jones did about how he fixed his plasma TV. Well he didn’t really fix it as many of our commenters pointed out, in the end the clever fix was to mask the problem to make it mostly usable again. Johannes mentioned in the EEVblog comments that he saw this video. It is a much superior solution since Dave only