
Check out this cool VISIONS OF THE AMEN art exhibit. The Strings are attached to motors which are modulated based on the pitch and volume of the singer. I can imagine something like this on stage at a concert, with lots of cool lighting it would be an incredible effect. Thanks Michell “A sculpture built around the property of spinning strings sweeping out sine waves. The really clever part is that the matrix of strings is sound-activated, sensitive to volume AND pitch, and, in this video, is animated by a really beautiful vocal arrangement of Bjork’s “Unison.” On a technical level, the responsiveness of the strings is achieved by sending a microphone feed in the sculpture to a custom software written in Processing by the artist. The software identifies, in real-time, the pitch and volume of the audio input, and based on that data uses an algorithm to determine PWM values for each of the 16 motors attached to strings in the joists above the viewer. The sofware end of the project is very similar to a sound visualization program, but with a serial output to an array of Arduino microcontrollers rather than a screen display. Earlier verisons of the project have run on the ArtBus microcontroller currently being developed by the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.”

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