Dual Hard Drive Laser Drawing Machine

You might remember the Hard Drive Oscilloscope project that was made about 3 and a half years ago (wow how time flies). Over the years there have been lots of people who have been inspired by it and built a project similar to it. Here is one, here is another, and one more for good measure. I was amazed to see that there was actually about 30 of them built!

Emergency Excuse Generator - PIC 16F690 Microcontroller Based

If you have a hard time coming up with a good excuse in a split second then you need this PIC 16F690 based Emergency Excuse Generator. Next time the boss calls all you will need to do is give the big red button a press and bingo you will have an instant excuse to recite to your boss. ๐Ÿ™‚ Full build details, code and schematics are provided. I haven’t heard

Better Plasma TV Repair with little skill and almost no Tools required

So a few days ago we featured a video that Dave Jones did about how he fixed his plasma TV. Well he didn’t really fix it as many of our commenters pointed out, in the end the clever fix was to mask the problem to make it mostly usable again. Johannes mentioned in the EEVblog comments that he saw this video. It is a much superior solution since Dave only

Dune Bug E - Dune Buggy Electric Conversion

Our friends are back at it, the Suzuki Electric Bike project wasn’t a big enough challenge I guess. ๐Ÿ™‚ The new project is the Dune Bug E which is a Dune Buggy Electric Conversion. By the looks of the tear down there won’t be one bolt on the donor vehicle that will be left untouched.

Automated Turn Switch Off Machine

Thanks to Sascha from I Build Rockets for sending in this tip. It’s a machine that does nothing other than keep a switch in the off position. Turn the switch on and a hand pops up immediately and turns it off. The circuit has no microcontroller, it is all analog. I am thinking this could make for an interesting project, who will be the first to make a kit for

How to Repair a Plasma TV

Dave Jones had a Panasonic Plasma TV die on him. Have a look at the video to see the build quality of a Panasonic. Turns out that the local TV repair shop would charge more to fix this 2.5 year old model than a new one costs now. The solution to the problem is quite technical, the repair consists of about 1 meter of black electrical tape. ๐Ÿ™‚

Name the Thing Contest - 113

Thanks to Rad Blaster for sponsoring the contest this week. They will be providing a Rad Blaster Boobbox MP3 Player/Recorder to the winner. You can plug in a set of headphones or use the internal speakers to play your tunes on the go. The unit has a tiny color OLED screen also! If that wasn’t enough, you can also use the player as a USB storage device. “Rad Blaster Features: