July 22, 2011

Unscrewed by Ed Sobey Review

Next time you are working on a laser project that needs a small DC motor or a robot arm that is in need of a few gears make sure you have a copy of Unscrewed by Ed Sobey handy. Most of us makers and hackers have a large pile of used parts (some call them junk boxes), they come in all shapes and forms, old VCRs that got retired, the

Pic Power Meter

If you are also sad at the death of the Google Power Meter have a look at this Pic Power Meter project over at Pyrofer’s Projects. “The Pic board counts rotations of the disc in 1 minute increments. Every ten minutes it connects to the server over serial (to ethernet UDP) and uploads all ten readings The server saves these into a mysql database. I wrote some PHP code to