Firecore’s aTV Flash (black) for Apple TV 2


aTV Flash (black) is a user-friendly software package from Firecore that supercharges your new black AppleTV 2. It is available in both Mac and Windows version. This software package is very simple to use and safe for your AppleTV.

Installing aTV Flash (black) is also easy. More details on the installation process can be seen here.
Very recently Firecore has launched the version 1.1.1 of aTV Flash (black) that are having numerous features like :

  • expanded support for subtitles,
  • metadata performance improvements, and
  • a stocking full of bug fixes.

Full details on what’s new in version 1.1.1 and how to update can be found here.
Xctechs shared a video of aTV Flash (black) for Apple TV 2 on (MAC / Windows ) on YouTube that can be seen below: