September 2012

Maker Faire New York Nerdy Derby

  This weekend is the New York Maker Faire, check out this great  Nerdy Derby which is inspired by the boy scout race tracks. Looks like they have just enough wood glue to keep the track together and build a few cars. “The Nerdy Derby is a no-rules* miniature car building and racing competition inspired by the Cub Scouts’ Pinewood Derby. With a larger, more undulating track and no restrictions

LED Heart Project

    If you have someone special who you want to make a nice electronic project for have a look at this LED Heart Project over at PyroElecto. Chris made it for his Grandmothers 91st birthday! Just think of the technology that his Grandmother has seen in her time, I am sure she will get a kick out of it. A PIC 18F252 controls the 16 LEDs that are arranged in

Logitech Scroll Wheel Upgrade to Titanium

  When you have a quick look at the mouse above you might not see anything special but with a closer look you will notice that the scroll wheel is not stock. Rhett sent in some pictures of his Logitech Scroll Wheel that he Upgrade to Titanium, he made the upgrade after the original wheel changed color and the internal rubber parts started to fall apart. “Rather than running out

Make your own Solder Flux from Tree Resin

  Next time you are out of flux you can make your own if you have a pine tree in your back yard. All you need is some of the tree resin and some IPA. Check out the full process on how to Make your own Solder Flux from Tree Resin over at the Magic Smoke blog.  

Mechanical Donkey Kong

Martin Raynsford has been working hard on his 365 thing blog and has just completed this Mechanical Donkey Kong game. It looks like a lot of fun and looks to be a great platform to build on. “Two servos handle the motion of Mario. One turns mario left and right and the other controls the jump. An arduino reads input from the NES and decides what to do with the

Pulse Jet Kettle

  We have seen some pulse jet builds before but this Pulse Jet Kettle has to be once of the funniest builds I have ever seen. You can see the kettle in operation at the 3:20 mark of the first video. It has an added bonus of waking up everyone in the house to get ready to have a cup of tea.  Via: Hackaday        

Ruler Tattoo

  Having a ruler on hand is a handy thing. I can’t think of the number of times I was in the home store and wish I had a tape measure on me. I do know that from the tip of my index finger to my knuckle is about 4 inches but it is hard to measure anything with any type of accuracy. This is where having something permaent with