December 19, 2012

Christmas Tree with 404 Individually Controlled LEDs via Bluetooth

    Olivier St-Martin Cormier got into the Christmas spirit this year by bringing his tree to life with LEDs that can dance to the music. He is using a stm32 microcontroller to get the job done.  You can see a video of it in action below. “Olivier St-Martin Cormier wrote: This is my Christmas tree, it has over 400 lights (exactly 404) that are all individually controlled by an

Free Energy Generator Head Scratcher

  Have a look at this Free Energy Generator Head Scratcher. It is obviously a hoax but how was it done? My bet is there is a battery in the meter and a battery in the motor. This way when the leads are shorted out the meter reads the internal battery voltage and when the motor leads are shorted it connects the small battery to the motor. I was thinking