This Digital Reversi Board Project by Hanting Lu and Kai Wang from Cornell University look like fun. It is just like the real reversi game and ensures that players can’t make invalid moves. An Atmel Mega 1284 is used to read in the press locations from the touch sensor and is also interfaced to the bi-color LEDs using a TI 3 to 8 line decoder chip and a ton of physical pins on the microcontroller.
“For our final project in ECE 4760, we designed and implemented a Reversi board consisting of hardware, a microcontroller, and a touch screen. Sixty-four bicolor (red and green) LEDs were implemented as the black and white pieces of the game. Players could simply light up a LED (place a piece) by touching the touch screen in the position right above the corresponding LED. Other LEDs would be flipped automatically according to the rules of Reversi, which is programmed into the microcontroller.”