October 2013

Using a Parallax Propeller chip Luis created a way to add some realism to his RC truck. Hazard lights flash and even make the clicking relay sound when activated. The propeller plays the wav files that bring the truck to life. Nice effect when the truck starts moving, you can hear the motor start to pick up speed. There is a product called sound racer that lets you bring your

Jack-o'-lantern Halloween Project

  If you want to scare some kids as they approach your house to get some candy on Halloween have a look at this project by GreatScott. He uses an Arduino which has an ultrasonic sensor connected to it. The sensor detects when someone gets into the scare zone. To scare the curious kid some LEDs light up the pumpkin and a buzzer sound. This idea could be adapted many

Name the Thing Contest – 241

    The prize this week is an 6V 0.6W Solar Cell. This contest will run for one week (October 26 – November 1, 2013). Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item above and what it can be used for. Please note the image above is a side view of the thing. Please do not give the answer in the comments. Send an email

Ball-Balancing Robot

  So if making a robot that can be remotely controlled wasn’t a tough enough challenge the guys over at Ufactory decided to make one that can roll around on a ball. Great looking design and it sounds like they are going to do a Kickstarter for it and release it as open source hardware to the community. I can’t wait to see a larger version that can be ridden

Inside an Inexpensive Air Hogs RC Helicopter

  There are a ton of these tiny RC Helicopters around, lots of them use IR light to send signals from the remote to the RC Helicopter. Arduino versus Evil took one apart to see what makes it tick. The helicopter doesn’t have much payload capability but it seems to be quite nimble. Since it is just IR it should be simple to reverse engineer the commands for various movements.

Arduino RC Car

    RC cars are fun but why let the fun end at driving it around with the supplied remote? Shazin Sadakath got a car and tore it apart to see what made it tick. He took an Arduino and was able to hack it into the car circuit to be able to control all of the car functions with the digital IO Arduino pins. After learning how to interface

Quadrotor with Machine Gun

  We saw a Hexacopter Delivery Platform yesterday. If your RC vehicle is flying in an environment that is a bit more hostile why not implement a few of these Machine Gun Quadrotors. With a few of these able to step in when enforcement was needed I don’t think anyone would be messing with the delivery of books.