Hacked Gadgets 2013 Holiday Comment Contest



The new year is just around the corner, how would you like some cool swag from Hacked Gadgets to kick it off? There will be 4 winners this time around. We will be giving away a cool binary watch to a lucky winner, two subscriptions to Nuts and Volts will be going to two more winners, and finally an Arduino Pro Mini will be given to the 4th winner. Entry into the contest is simple, just leave a comment for any article from now till December 31 2013. Enter as many times as you want, just please don’t leave spam comments since these will be deleted as usual. As a matter of fact you can start by leaving a message below on this contest article. The email address of the comment will be used to identify and notify the lucky randomly selected winners. Please note that email addresses left when commenting is never made public.


Added January 24, 2014

Thanks to everyone who entered the contest by leaving a comment!

The winners are:

Watch: chipmikro for comment 16

Nuts and Volts Magazine: Roger for comment 47

Nuts and Volts Magazine: Josh for comment 1

Arduino Pro Mini: IJ for comment 2


Cool Contest Prizes


A cool Binary LED Watch that doesn’t look much like a watch until you activate it. Get ready to brush up on your binary math if you want to read it though.

1 Year of Nuts and Volts. For an example of what you can expect, have a look at the projects that were covered in this edition. “Computer To Computer Link Using Laser Pointers Computer Related by Ed Ringel Establish serial communication between computers or microcontrollers over low power laser beams. Phone Ring-A-Thing Control Home Automation by John Mastromoro Use your cell phone and this device as a receiver/decoder system to perform remote functions. Experiements with Alternative Energy Nuts & Volts Special by John Gavlik Learn the fundamentals of renewable energy through this educational series. This month: Build a Double Wide Sun Tracker. “


Please note due to the nature of the subscription the winner will need a US address. Not to worry though if you win and you are not in the US we will offer you something that you can use.

A second person will also get 1 Year of Nuts and Volts “Nuts & Volts is written for the hands-on hobbyist, design engineer, technician, and experimenter. The diversity of subjects appeals to all levels of experience and spans such topics as amateur robotics, circuit design, lasers, computer control, home automation, microcontrollers, data acquisition, new technology, DIY projects, electronic theory, and more, not to mention the popular BASIC Stamp.”


Please note due to the nature of the subscription the winner will need a US address. Not to worry though if you win and you are not in the US we will offer you something that you can use.



An Arduino Pro Mini will be go to someone who is in need of adding some processing capability to their breadboard.

“The Arduino Pro Mini is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 8 analog inputs, an on-board resonator, a reset button, and holes for mounting pin headers. A six pin header can be connected to an FTDI cable to provide USB power and communication to the board.”