RC Plane delivers Quadcopter Drone which delivers Quadcopter Drone which delivers Quadcopter Drone which delivers a stick of gum!

RC Plane delivers Quadcopter Drone which delivers Quadcopter Drone which delivers Quadcopter Drone which delivers a stick of gum!_4



The guys over at Flight Test were thinking about the drone delivery systems that we might see in the near future. They wanted to see how far they could push it. They strapped the stack of quad copters onto their Kraken plane, which had an Electrohub quad on it, which had a QAV250 Lumenier on it, which had a Proto X on it which was set to deliver a piece of gum! Of course everything is outfitted with cameras so we can get a really close look at everything unfold.



RC Plane delivers Quadcopter Drone which delivers Quadcopter Drone which delivers Quadcopter Drone which delivers a stick of gum!_2


RC Plane delivers Quadcopter Drone which delivers Quadcopter Drone which delivers Quadcopter Drone which delivers a stick of gum!


RC Plane delivers Quadcopter Drone which delivers Quadcopter Drone which delivers Quadcopter Drone which delivers a stick of gum!_3