Double Prosthetic Arm with Mind Control

  What a great job the team at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory did. They built this Double Prosthetic Arm with Mind Control to allow Les Baugh to once again have arms and hands. He lost them in an electrical accident over 0 years ago. I can’t imagine the feeling Les has after so many years living without arms and now finally have some high tech versions to work

WS2812B LED Driver Project

  JEELABS did a nice WS2812B LED Driver Project that uses an ARM LPC810 running at 30 MHz to get things done. “Sending 12 bits @ 2.4 MHz takes 5 microseconds. If we were to set the LPC810 to run at its maximum 30 MHz clock, we could probably drive the SPI hardware entirely via interrupts, but for a simple timed example this is not really necessary. Instead, we can

The Useless Candle

  Remember the cool Usless Machine? Well now there is a Useless Candle. New idea but just as much useless fun. As soon as you light the candle the system detects that it is lit and blows it out. 🙂 “The control circuit for this project is built around a 555 timer IC. When light shines on the CdS photoresistor, the voltage at pin 2 drops below the trigger threshold. This

Name the Thing Contest – 262

    The prize this week is a wireless transmitter for your next project. This contest will run for one week (Dec 13 – Dec 19, 2014). Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item above and what it can be used for.  Don’t need a make or model, just what what the thing is used for. Please do not give the answer in the comments. Send

Internet Controlled Robots

    These Internet Controlled Robots are not available to play with all the time but if you keep an eye on the Twitter channel you will have a chance to have a look and give them a try when they are online next. “I only put together one robot kit previously, then these two robots both started as Activity Bots. I hooked up a Raspberry Pi with an HD

Numechron Digital Clock

    DickB1 built a very interesting clock called Numechron Digital Clock which is based around a very old clock. It uses an AC motor to keep time which keeps time based on the 60 Hz in the AC line. “I really liked the Art Deco style of the Model 1364 case and chose to emulate it, although my clock is considerably larger than the prototype. While mimicking the original

Power your House from an Old Washing Machine

  Alternative energy is a hot topic. If you are looking to lessen your reliance on the grid you might want to look into a windmill or watermill. In this video Buddhanz shows us how a used Washing Machine can be turned into a power generator. Looks to be a cool weekend project. Most people would need to opt for the the windmill version but the water powered type is