Gesture Control iphone Dock

Gesture Control iphone Dock



Zhiyuan Teo and Mohit Yogesh Modi made this iPhone Gesture Control for their ECE 5760 Final Project. Their system uses a camera to look for certain gestures to control the docked iPhone.  The current version uses a green square as the item that is being tracked and there are 4 video regions that are being watched. With a bit more work a hand could be tracked instead of the marker cap.

“A video camera captures gestures that are then translated into commands to be issued to the iPod/iPhone (which for simplicity we will subsequently refer to generically as ‘iPhone’). For our project, we used the Altera DE2 FPGA board to process the video and communicate with the iPhone. There are three principal components in our design: an iPhone controller module, a VGA controller and a camera input system. The iPhone controller is responsible for the I/O with the iPhone via a TTL serial interface. The VGA controller outputs a video containing a composite of the input camera image, iPhone metadata and gesture tracking information. “