Tony Nunn

Tachometer made from a Bicycle Computer

  A clever way to use a bicycle computer as a poor-man’s tachometer.  While I’m not sure about installing it in my car, I’m sure it’ll come in handy down the road for another project.  "Sometimes you just have to know how fast a wheel or shaft or motor is turning.  The measuring device for rotational speed is a tachometer. But they are expensive and not easy to find.  Its

Solio H1000 Solar Charger Review

  "When on the go power for your gadgets is key, plug into the Solio® Hybrid 1000. This hybrid boasts a powerful solar panel and battery in an incredibly compact and slender case, conveniently geared with a built-in rugged carabiner and cable. The Hybrid 1000 is simple to use. Just clip on, plug in, and charge up!"    For a while now I have been evaluating the Solio H1000 Hybid

Simple LED Color Sensor

This is a pretty interesting walk though on how to process and read the microvoltage that an LED will put out when exposed to a light source . Who says you can’t teach an old component new tricks? “Hook up a high-quality ultra-bright red LED by itself (no battery or other circuitry) to a multimeter in voltage measurement mode. Put the LED against a light source, such as a desk

Guerilla Drive-In Theater

Projector, Old stereo, laptop, and a few connecting cables: Its likely these are things you already have, or can borrow with a few phone calls to your friends. Have you ever thought of starting a Guerrilla Drive-in, aka MobMov? “With hundreds of movie mobs across the world, the Mobile Movie is bringing back the forgotten joy of the great American drive-in. Powered by cars and low-cost film projectors, ‘mobmovs’ are

Hardware modding 101

Been reading for a while and not quite sure where to jump in? Maybe you would just like to learn more details? Hardware modding/hacking is lots of fun, and can have a very rewarding outcome. For starters, here is a great article for beginners, covering pretty much all the bases. Also Wikipedia is an excellent source for some beginner knowledge, everything from capacitors, to resistors, to solder, and much much

Poor Man's DIY scratchpad

  How to make your own scratchpad out of nothing but a pizza box and an optical mouse. I’m sure everyone has a spare optical mouse–and if you’re anything like me–an abundance of pizza boxes lying around. Check out a video of it in action. I love to see these sorts of ultra low budget hacks. Keep up the good work out there. For some more cool stuff, check out

Business Card Phone Dialer

"Here are two experimental "extreme" business cards that are almost impossible for someone to throw away – one in the form of a key ring torch and one card that actually dials me up by itself! This one has a computer inside with more processing power than took the first astronauts to the moon (No, I’m not kidding!), yet the main part costs less than 50 cents. …Even if these