June 5, 2006

Video Dashboard Prototype

Interesting dashboard project demonstration. “Give your old car a new upgrade with Ryan Brandy’s video dashboard prototype. It replaces your standard instrument panel with two LCD displays.”

USB Barbie Doll

Wired has a list of some weird USB devices. The Barbie is quite cute, when you want to plug in the USB key/Barbie doll simply rip off the head and jab it into a computer… “The plethora of USB ports now offered by today’s PCs has spawned an abundance of ridiculous devices. A small culture of collectors has even emerged around odd USB gadgets, and chances are one of them

VirtuSphere - Totally Immersive VR

Never mind the new joystick designs of the next-gen consoles. Check out the VirtuSphere, this looks like a great VR environment tool. “VirtuSphere is a new Virtual Reality technology that allows a user to truly ‘walk’ in 3D computer generated terrain. All you do is climb into the rig, but on the VR goggles and start walking. The movement of the sphere is then measured and translated into movement in