Not much to say about this one. For this mod a picture is truly worth a thousand words!
“For some reason I had a thought on trying to combine a graphical LCD with a computer mouse. Perhaps this had something to do with my review of Logitech’s G15 Gaming keyboard six months back. Like in my MouseFan mod that I did in 2001, I decided to joke around by addind a fan inside a computer mouse. At that time people were putting more and more fans to their setups so I thought it would be funny to see one inside a mouse. I believe this LogiNoki started with similar thought patterns. One can find LCDs and TFTs embedded to almost everything so why not inside a mouse. And why settle for an ascii or even monochrome display as there should be usable graphical color displays available out there…”
Via: Hackaday
LCD Mouse Hack

This is one of the most unique things I’ve ever seen. My first visit to the site, and I see something this wicked in the first 30 seconds… I’m soooo looking around this place. Great job.
Dude this one is originally by Jani ‘Japala’ Pönkkö on MetkuMods.
These guys keep doing this stuff. Check out the other mods too. And if you have taken it then pls link it to the main.
Hi Justin,
Thanks for checking out the site, as Varun mentioned the full mod is listed on MetukMods. The link is in the article, the location from where the article was taken is also listed (I am assuming you missed them).
Have a good one,
thats really clean wow, Im not saying Id want one of those in my mouse, but you did an awesome job putting it in there