Using a PIC16F877A microcontroller and some high current electronics a grid of windows was turned into a huge LED display. Seems like students at MIT have lots of tech fun!
“The Simmons LED Display is a home-made two-story high 6×6 array of windows outfitted with ultra-cool Luxeon LXHL-LR3C Royal Blue LEDs. It is located in the exercise room of the architecturally infamous Simmons Hall, a residence hall designed by Steven Holl that opened in 2002 for MIT’s undergraduates. (Each floor is three windows high and the overall design of the building is inspired by a sponge.) It can be seen from most of Briggs Field and Dorm Row at MIT, thus making for a convenient announcement board. It follows from a vision that many Simmons Hall residents have had in the past: to turn the waffle-like arrangement of windows into working pixels.”