November 21, 2006

Soda Powered Rocket

  Here is a neat Mythbusters spoof. Watch the third video (click more) for the scientific version. 🙂 “When Mythbusters said that you couldn’t make a Coke and mentos powered rocket, these two mythbusters decided to prove them wrong. If you like Mythbusters, science things, rockets, or just watching things blow up, you’ll get a kick out of this.”

PS3 Grill

Instead of smashing a PS3 why not put it to good use. The second photoshopped image was the inspiration for the real PS3 Grill. “When the final case design of the Playstation 3 was released, it was widely critsised as looking exactly like a George Foreman Grill. A few months later, Photoshopped pictures started emerging on the internet of the Playstation 3 with a grill built into it. So, after