June 4, 2007

3310 Nokia Cell Phone LCD Game

Pyrofer has made some significant advancements with a game he is designing with a cell phone LCD and a PIC 12f675 microcontroller. Video after the jump. “You can see ive managed to draw a basic map on the screen. The size of this map is limited by the ram, as the objects within have to change it cant be a rom map. There isnt enough RAM. Ive had to be

 Nokia 6280 Phone Zoom Lens Hack

Check out this Nokia 6280 Phone Zoom Lens Hack, thanks to Mzungo from the forum for pointing it out! “Resently the cameras on cellphones are getting better and better. How ever the optics on them are mostly crap made of cheap plastic. Then i spawned the idea “Why not oparate an SLR lens on to the cell?” This hack will give you 36x optical zoom on your cell just because