August 2007

Skype Robot Demonstration

  Have a look at this cool video, call your robot using Skype and have it perform spoken commands while you remotely watch the results. I for one am very impressed! Link “Hot new video shows a Roboquad robot being controlled by voice, over the Internet with the help of Robodance and Skype’s video call service. The robot explores the house while beaming back audio and video to a laptop

Youscope Oscilloscope Graphics Demo

  Check out this Youscope Oscilloscope Graphics Demo More impressive when you learn that a 15 year old made the demo! “A demo using an oscilloscope to display something. It was third in assembly 2007 shortfilm compo, and won altparty’s most original entry prize. The oscilloscope is connected to PC soundcard and is in X/Y-mode, with right channel connected to X and left to Y input.” Via: Make

DIY Night Vision

  Funditor shows us how to make a DIY night vision system using a large flashlight, some colored plastic discs and an old digital camera. The result is an invisible spotlight that will allow you to see what the light is pointed at using the camera. High power IR LEDs could also be used but would cost a bit more.

PIC Robot Centipede

If you like robotics and PIC microcontroller projects like I do this PIC Robot Centipede is sure to tickle your fancy. The project uses the cool Centipede Robot. Video after the jump. “I ordered a bunch of PIC programming materials at the start of summer break to learn more about embedded development and generally play around with them. For my first sizeable PIC project I decided to replace the brain

Jet Car

The Jet Car looks like a cool futuristic car that you can buy today. Now if I only had an extra $100 thousand laying around… Video after the jump. “For sporty driver we also offer two Sport versions. You can choose between Jetcar Sport I with an engine power of 45 KW (62 PS) and the Jetcar Sport II with an engine power of 60 KW (82 PS). Both are

Printserver to Network-Controllable Switch Hack

Doktor Andy has developed a method of using a cheap print server as a network controlled switch. Video after the jump. “One day it hit me. I wanted to connect my coffee-machine to the internet. and my television…and my desk light… There are different approaches. One of the most stupid ones was to stuff a relais-board into my pc and….greeaaat idea..absolutely….”sorry, I cannot cook coffee because I first have to

Floppy-Drive Solar Tracking Unit

I have a box of old hardware such as floppy drives, hard drives for projects just like this Floppy-Drive Solar Tracking Unit. Some people look at old hardware like this as trash, I see it as a goldmine of great parts. “This is still pretty much a work-in-progress, but I did manage to create a successful heliostat (sun tracker) from the above TEAC model FD-235HF 3.5″ floppy drive. This procedure