September 2007

LEGO Mindstorm Robotic Toilet Flush System

This LEGO Mindstorm Robotic Toilet Flush System is a very polite robot that thanks you after you use the toilet and then flushes it for you. There are full build instructions on the site so that you could build your very own. A study should be done to see if the positive acknowledgment (the thank you phrase) would lead to an increase of water consumption. 🙂 Video after the jump.


Just in time for Halloween, Robosapien get an Elmo costume and a voice change. Video after the jump. “He’s furry, red, and robotic! Meet ElmoSapien, the fusion of Sesame Street’s legendary Elmo puppet character and WowWee’s fantastic Robosapien RS Media robot. Like VaderSapien, ElmoSapien is out to dominate the world, but in funny, silly, way! Watch the video to see ElmoSapien in action.”

Name the Thing Contest - 22

Congratulation to the last contest winner. The prize this week is a travel adapter so that you can keep all of your gadgets working even when you are far away from home. This contest will run for this weekend only (September 29 – 30, 2007) . Ending time is based on central standard time. To enter, identify the item pictured above and give an example of what can be done

Huge 1GB IBM Hard Drive

This is a 1GB IBM hard drive from about 20 years ago. Wow how technology has evolved! Do you think that the engineers of the day would guess that today we would have more than a hundred times that storage in your pocket which also by the way has a color screen, battery and the smarts to make it play audio and video? Here are some other hard drives to

PIC Microcontroller Touch Keypad

Check out this cool PIC Microcontroller Touch Keypad by Mondo Technology. I love the simplicity of button press detection. There are lots of industrial buttons that do this exact thing but they are very costly. “This board layout was created using the SOIC version of a PIC16F627A without drawing the usual schematic first. Most of the part values are etched on the Layout. The SIP resistor packs I used are

Wicked Lasers Photonic Disruptor

This Wicked Lasers Photonic Disruptor is some piece of equipment! If you are needing a laser to do power point presentations have a look at some of the other laser pointers that Wicked Laser offers, if you are looking for a non-lethal weapon then this may be for you! Watch the Future Weapons video of the Photonic Disruptor in action to get a sense of how it operates. “The Photonic

LED Coffee Table

Using a bunch of microcontroller controlled white LEDs is one way to jazz up a coffee table! Check out the LED Coffee Table that Evil Mad Scientists has developed. If you think this technology would look nice in your table you are in luck since you can purchase a kit to build your very own. Video after the jump. “Our kits include the giant printed circuit boards, components, instructions, regulated