Wiimote Lego Tank Surveillance Robot


I can just imagine how much fun Andrew Hundt, Boris Lipchin and Ned Fox from Carnegie Mellon University had creating this Wiimote Lego Tank Surveillance Robot.

“This robot is composed of Legos and uses a handyboard as the control hardware. It has 4 wheel drive each controlled by a lego motor, and a pan tilt mount for directing light and the video camera. The Wii Remote talks to a MacBook Pro over bluetooth to modified DarwiinRemote software, and the computer in turn communicates with the robot over a serial port. This robot was designed for and used in a small scale demonstration of Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) as an assignment in Intro to Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University. Designed, built, and programmed by Andrew Hundt, Boris Lipchin, and Ned Fox at CMU.”


  1. Wow! This is really flattering to know that somebody appreciates this work. That thing took a long time to build. It can go up stairs practically at a 45 degree angle (low center of gravity). You should have seen it in action on the mock urban search and rescue course. Thanks guys!

  2. you can build lots of things out of legos i have built vaumm powered engines that work. used the pnuemaitcs to make engines though slow (dependineg on the cylinder size) you can even build compressorss for them and make tons of other sutff

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