Understanding Stepper Motors

“A stepper motor is a brushless, synchronous electric motor that can divide a full rotation into a large number of steps. When commutated electronically, the motor’s position can be controlled precisely, without any feedback mechanism” (citation from Wikipedia)

Any DIY Maker should understand the workings of stepper motors, Ask any Robot maker, just about any motion control a robot makes is done with stepper motors.

Here are a few links that will educate you on what stepper motors are, how to understand their operation and how to control them.

PMinMO.com has a wiki that provides a good basic introduction to stepper motors, related control mechanisms, and software associated with them.


A slightly more technical description on the stepper motor itself can be found on the Gecko Drive site

Gecko Drive PDF document


  1. I recently built a simple robot that could maneuver in all 4 ordinal directions. I used stepper motors because they allow you control the exact amount of rotation (using x amount of steps.) this makes it far easier for the robot to be steered accurately. I’m not going back to servo motors, that’s for sure.

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