December 27, 2007

WAIT! I just got a great idea! - Rite in the Rain

I don’t know about you but sometimes you just need to take a note or a quick sketch. Rite in the Rain was always done it for me. Just add a pencil or a write everywhere pen. There are a bunch of sizes and types from spiral bound to stapled. 8.5 by 11 down to the 3 by 5 ones you can slip into a pocket. Where else can you

Microwave Welder

This is definitely not going be UL listed but if you need a welder on the cheap this is one way to go. The “Tiny Tim” Welder

Cook Hot Dogs with Electricity

  Looks like the University of Alaska Fairbanks has grouped the engineering and culinary arts programs together. 🙂 “How does an electrical engineer cook a hot dog? 1.5 A for 60 seconds! Taken at the E-Week open house put on by the engineering departments at the University of Alaska Fairbanks.”