This PCB Drill looks to be good workhorse of a design. You can buy one ready made but there is no fun in that.
"Made from Dremel drill and drill press. I removed the bottom plate & mounted the column to the back with U-bolts. Acrylic is so easy to work with. It can be cut, drilled milled & glued and it’s very strong, doesn’t warp or break easily. The design is the same as the big PCB drills, the table moves, not the drill head. With the exception the real machine tables I’ve worked around ride on air. Like the old air hockey tables Important note: These NEMA teen motors don’t have enough torque to drive the table (no bearings)."
It looks like the table AND the drill head move.
Looks like the table moves in ‘y’, and the head moved in ‘x’ and ‘z’.
Actually it looks like there’s no table, and the drill moves in x,y and z.
It’s a gantry type router.
I sold it back in about 2005 on ebay.
I’m working on new ones to sell now, Oct 2009.