This 10 Meter Morse Code Beacon is a nice simple project, all the source code and schematics are provided. Below is a description of the board process that was used.
"After I have etched the board and rinsed any excess Ammonium Persulfate off, I then use Mineral Turpentine and a rag to remove all the blue paint or blue plastic and the laser printer toner off the boards when using the blue “press & peel” iron on paper transfer technique. This exposes the shiny copper. I then use a metal scribe tool with a very fine point and basically center punch and indent in the “center” of each pad and or location to be drilled. (Not with a hammer! Just center punching using pure pressure on the scribe to pre-punch the hole locations.) Then drill every location with a .8mm drill using my super cheapy 99 dollar drill press. Then drill any component locations which require larger holes with a 1mm or even a 1.5mm bit. De-bur all the holes. One last rub down with alcohol to get any oils or Turpentine off the copper and you’re ready to solder! Nice shinny copper = no flux required!"
That is a great circuit.Where do I get plans for one?What is the output power?I have a beacon running at 3 watts using a converted CB radio,but need something that uses less power from a battery at my remote location.Also,what frequency choices are there?
This is a great circuit.Can i get the schematic diagram?I would love to try it..Since i have most of the items.Thanks yea!
Hope to hear from you soon.
Australian ham Steve (VK6HV) =>