January 13, 2009

Wii Balance Board controlled Labyrinth Game

  Jestin Stoffel and Vince Thompson of the CCCKC have created a cool Wii Balance Board controlled Labyrinth Game which uses an Arduino microcontroller to handle some of the interface. "Currently the game is using two servos and an Arduino to turn the knobs that move the game surface. I bought my Labyrinth game at a Tuesday Morning store for less than $10. The servos were about $10 each and

End of QRS Player Piano Roll Production

  QRS will no longer be making their piano player rolls. I am quite surprised that they were still making them! I love the old technology and watching how these are created and mass produced was very enjoyable. The picture above is an example of what you might have ordered from the factory back in 1917. Click on the link below to listen to the roll converted to a midi