The EyeWriter is a cool piece of hardware that serves an important task. Tony Quan was diagnosed with ALS in 2003. The disease has left him almost completely physically paralyzed except for his eyes. With EyeWriter Tony can now draw with his eyes.
"The EyeWriter project is on ongoing collaborative research effort to empower people, who are suffering from ALS, with creative technologies. The project began in Los Angeles, Caifornia in 2009, when members of the GRL, FAT, OF and TEG communities teamed-up with a legendary LA graffiti writer, publisher and activist, named Tony Quan, aka TEMPTONE.
COMPONENTS: cheap sunglasses, a micro CCD camera, IR LEDs, misc electrical hardware and electrical components, custom software written in openFrameworks, capture card, laptop, projector (optional) and wireless broadband USB sticks (optional)."
tempt writes tempt from thesystemis on Vimeo.
This reminds me a lot of an old episode of “The Pretender” where they used the frames of safety glasses as part of a lie detector. I wonder if this could be interfaced with the robot hand we saw a couple of weeks ago? Would be very interesting to see that happen.
nice one!