September 2009

High Altitude Glider Project

  Art Vanden Berg build a High Altitude Glider Project that has performed 5 flights to date. Have a look at the great documentation of the flight system and flight results. One of the issues we have seen with all of the near space balloon projects that we have featured lately is attempting to predetermine the landing zone and racing there to retrieve the cargo.  Having a plane that can

New ABB Robot Installations

  ABB has recorded some new behind the scenes video of their robots. You probably remember the ABB robots that we featured before. Have a look at these cake decorating and pancake picking ones. It almost seems that the pancake robot is doing the impossible! "ABB Robots installed by RG Luma are helping specialist food company Honeytop to speed up its pancake production and improve health, safety & hygiene. "

GPS guided ATV

  Have a look at this complex GPS guided ATV project. I can just imagine a group of these things in an amusement park allowing automated carts to provide an automatic tour. More details can be found here. Thanks Amnon "This is a kids ATV modified to be controlled from a innovation first controller (Servo stirring and Victor 884 motor controller). The controller is connected to a laptop that in

DIY AVR Photo Frame

  Photo frames are coming down in price as each week goes by. But what fun is it to go to the department store and pick one up. Have a look at this page for some info on a DIY AVR Photo Frame build. "Objective DIY photo frame Using AVR microcontroller. Display on QVGA TFT 3.2” 240×320 pixel 16 bit color Using BMP file format with out convert. File store

DIY Bullet Speed Meter for Coil Guns built a speed meter that can monitor the speed of his coil gun bullets. The bullet trips an entry beam and an exit beam which are at a known distance apart, this allows the speed of the bullet to be calculated and displayed. The build is detailed and includes code and schematics. Here is a Google English translation. Big thanks to the creator for translating the project to English!

DTP-1000 CD Robot Hack

  Ebay is a great place to look for some vintage tech. Have a look at this CD duplicating robot that TINYenormous got for only $11. Instead of ripping out and replacing the control electronics he lucked out and found someone who had details on converting it to serial control.  Thanks Ross. "I bought it intending to put an arduino in the place of the control board and probably have

Physical Laptop Security using a Thumb Drive

  If you use your laptop in public places LAlarm is a piece of free product that could help you (small fee for corporate use). This system is basically an alarm for your laptop, best of all it is packed with tons of cool features like sending an SMS message to you or destroying your sensitive data if it is stolen. "The following procedure locks down a laptop to a