December 2009

Eye Tracking Micro Display

In the latest AV Technology magazine there is a great article about the latest technology in eye tracking and micro displays. Fraunhofer is developing some interesting technology that we are sure to see incorporated into all of our gadgets in the next 5 or 10 years. Subscribing to the AV Technology magazine is free as long as you are in the USA. Hacked Gadgets does receive a small payment for

Makerbot Industries - Bre Pettis Interview

Bre Pettis of Makerbot Industries is making the interview rounds. The Cupcake CNC will soon be able to print objects in clear plastics. Currently you are limited to black or white. Congrats on the success Bre! “Their company, MakerBot Industries, has shipped 350 of the $750 kits so far. They hired two employees, started paying themselves, and are building another 150 kits for their next shipment.”

Inside a Flashing RGB LED

I have always been interested in how things work. You might remember when we cracked opened up a power regulator, unfortunately my camera didn’t have a good macro feature back then so the very fine wires that connect the silicone to the external posts can’t be seen very well. It’s amazing how small the internal wires are! This time we will crack open a RGB LED. In the video above

iPhone playing game with a WiiMote over BlueTooth

There are lots of cool Wiimote Hacks that have been done and here is another one that shows us some great progress in interfacing the popular Wiimote to an iPhone to allow it to control some game play. Via: Apple Phone Hacks “The author of BTstack and I spoke and I ran out to buy a WiiMote today. Moments later I had success! I was playing mame4iphone on my iPhone

Parallax Webinar - Learn Propeller Assembly Language Programming

Thanks to Gadget Gangster for alerting us to a Parallax Webinar that will allow you to Learn Propeller Assembly Language Programming. “Have you been programming the Propeller in the Spin language exclusively?  Now is your chance to explore a new set of possibilities that the Propeller Assembly Language delivers.  Expert Propeller developers often use a combination of Assembly and Spin to create very powerful objects.  Now you can too! Some

Hacked Gadgets Happy Holidays 2009 Contest

The new year is just around the corner, how would you like some cool swag from Hacked Gadgets to kick it off? There will be 4 winners this time around. We will be giving away a digital subscription of Make Magazine to a lucky winner, two subscriptions to Nuts and Volts will be going to two more winners, and finally a 120 LED Pack will be given to the 4th

Internet Enabled Cat Feeder

  If you are on the road or at the office and just remembered that you forgot to feed the cats what do you do? Drive home and feed them right? Well if you are Mathew Newton you can use your phone or your work computer to feed the animals. This Internet Enabled Cat Feeder project would have been a good addition to the contest that Cisco was running a