Texas Instruments C2000 LaunchPad released at $17


You probably remember (and have) the Texas Instrument MSP430 LaunchPad, that is the TI microcontroller development board that was released for $4.30. TI is back at it, they have just released their C2000 LaunchPad which has a 60MHz Piccolo processor on board. This processor is sure to be very popular based on the power and price since it looks like you can get them for 2 or 3 bucks for fairly low volumes of them.  If you have some of the boosterpack boards for your MSP430 you will be happy to hear that the new C2000 is pin compatible so you can continue to use them. Be sure to order one before they sell out and make sure you send in the projects that you build with it!

Thanks to Trey German (the designer of the new LaunchPad) for sending in this tip.

Order your C2000 LaunchPad from the TI store here.

“The C2000â„¢ Piccolo LaunchPad is an inexpensive evaluation platform designed to help you leap right into the world of real-time control programming on the C2000 Piccolo microcontrollers. The LaunchPad is based on the Piccolo TMS320F28027 with unique features such as 64KB of on board flash, 8 PWM channels, eCAP, 12bit ADC, I2C, SPI, UART, and much more. It includes many board hardware features such as an integrated isolated XDS100 JTAG emulator for easy programming and debugging, 40 PCB pins for easy access to the pins of the F28027 processor, reset button and programmable button, etc. Not only does the C2000 LaunchPad have the required hardware for development, it is also provides users with access to example code, libraries, drivers, and many more resources through controlSUITE which is available for free. Along with controlSUITE, users can also download an unrestricted version of Code Composer Studio integrated development environment (IDE) version 5.”